Making sure our food is safe and suitable is our number one priority. Every Montana Group kitchen follows a tightly regulated Food Control Plan, which is registered with the Ministry for Primary Industries.

We have a dedicated Nutrition & Food Quality team who oversees the Food Control Plan across our business and conducts detailed monthly audits across each site. In addition, our kitchens undergo a regular external verification process to ensure we are meeting the requirements of the food act.

Food Safety

Quality Assurance

We are proud to have achieved a GOLD level of certification in our latest Qualmark assessment. The lengthy audit process explored our products and services, customer satisfaction and feedback processes, facilities, equipment, staffing processes, cultural considerations, health and safety, and overall business management.

We are extremely proud to be awarded this achievement.

To find out more about Qualmark, visit


While all foods have a place in the diet, the food landscape is changing, and we are listening. Our in-house dietitian, provides a critical nutrition lens across our business activities, looking for opportunities to improve our offerings and stay on the pulse with the latest food and health trends.

We cater for special dietary requirements and take allergen management seriously, with regular staff training, creative menu development and a clinical eye to keep us on track during food production.